summer solstice #18

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A few years ago while talking shop with another potter I was surprised to find that she did not consider vases utilitarian. It seemed that flowers were an extravagance and did not provide a function in her life. The training ingrained from  my mother's constant flow of flora on the table made it difficult to see her point of view.

As I work on this project putting flowers in pots each day and shooting my photo, I try not to repeat the plant material or the form but today I could not help myself. My hope is that viewer will look at plants differently or look at containers another way or see light, shadow and color with renewed focus as a result of looking at the whole combination.  Each day I work as purely as I can looking hard and paying attention to intuitive insights.

18-garlicscape-tangle.jpg"There are few live seasons. Let us live then as purely as we can, in the present." Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

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beautiful shot... at first glance i thought you had a green snake resting on those vases

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