Author: Catherine White

  • #1 summer summit

    This morning I went to the studio crying after reading the Washington Post. I was grief stricken over racial injustice, death, and uncertainty.  All I could do was to paint things black. I put a coat of black paint on a sheet of paper, a coat of graphite on a gessoed panel, and a coat of black over North Carolina red clay. It was as if all my brush could paint was a spell against hatred, racism, and anger. My hand moved in sadness and respect. Words feel useless and yet to say nothing is untenable.


    Until each breath refuses they, those, them.
    Until the Dramatis Personae of the book’s first page says, “Each one is you.”
    Until hope bows to its hopelessness only as one self bows to another.
    Until cruelty bends to its work and sees suddenly: I.
    Until anger and insult know themselves burnable legs of a useless table.
    Until the unsurprised unbidden knees find themselves bending.
    Until fear bows to its object as a bird’s shadow bows to its bird.
    Until the ache of the solitude inside the hands, the ribs, the ankles.
    Until the sound the mouse makes inside the mouth of the cat.
    Until the inaudible acids bathing the coral.
    Until what feels no one’s weighing is no longer weightless.
    Until what feels no one’s earning is no longer taken.
    Until grief, pity, confusion, laughter, longing know themselves mirrors.
    Until by we we mean I, them you the muskrat, the tiger, the hunger.
    Until by I we mean as a dog barks, sounding and vanishing and sounding and vanishing completely.
    Until by until we mean I, we, you, them, the muskrat, the tiger, the hunger, the lonely barking of the dog before it is answered.

    —Jane Hirshfield in Ledger, Alfred A. Knopf, 2020

  • Maps — Flying higher and higher

    Last year before I left for Australia I bought a new sketchbook-journal and collaged in a few maps. As I flew higher and higher across the United States and the Pacific Ocean I wanted to be able to visualize where I was going and what I was doing and where I had come from. Maps have always been a language that I have been fascinated by and when I fly I can begin to imagine how they are made. When I think of early travelers and the maps they made it was a special skill of visualization of place and placement. I remember when I was in my thirties and navigating the intimate humid world of parenting I clung to maps as a symbol of my feeling lost. I collaged my drawings on the edges of continents and I loved the bits of ocean in different shades of blue symbolic of my being at sea in my new role as mother. In the pages of maps I found comfort when my days lacked direction.  My friends began to save atlases for me and even as I have grown out of my sense of being lost or rather grown into my sense of place I have volumes of maps. These days I like the pages of indexes as backgrounds for drawings or painted pages. I like the regular patterns of names and numbers and alphabetized lists.

    Journal 2019

    In the front pages of the journal from 2019 are bits of maps cut from a 1960’s atlas. There is the yellow outline of heart shaped Tasmania. There is a series viewing the hemispheres. Then I have a larger map from the 1940’s of Australia with the topography color coded to show altitude. These maps I hoped would be part of my attitude that the journey was the destination. The maps hold reminisces and anticipation of meeting and making—walking and talking—cooking food and digesting found ceramic materials; how we each make things and perceive the world around us.

    I looked at my trip as an adventure to meet new people and make new friends. I wasn’t sure what I would get out of it in terms of my physical work. Before many trips this is what Warren often asks. “What will you get out of this and why are you going?” I always say, “I m not sure and if I knew I would not have to go.” When I look back at my book recording my travels I see that the pages are like mirrors and portals into five weeks on the other side of the world. It’s really hard in the moment of travel to know what to write, what to draw, and what to capture. Overall, one needs to figure out how to navigate. I always think that an experience is going to be obvious. It will somehow be symmetrical like the visualization of the hemisphere, but I forget about the irregularity of geology and the shapes of mountains and the paths of waterways. I forget the times one can’t sleep or one’s stomach is upset or when I am irritated by sand in my shoes.

    Mapmakers had the power of naming places. And I am always impressed by Ben’s love of giving things names. Our time together last year was called Fire on the Ridge 2019. When there are visiting artists he calls it SWIPE (Slow Working Institute for Pragmatic Expressionism) and the pottery is named Ridgeline. In a way it’s branding, a term I normally hate because it makes these personal experiences feel like commercial enterprises. But in this case naming the experience gives it a different kind of power and structure.

    The maps in the front of my journal are a way of visualizing three-dimensional space. By gluing them on the page I hoped it would give my travels a framework. In the book is a record of the time spent in an airplane and in a studio, homes, beaches, trails and putting wood in a kiln. But really what I am after is describing the quality of time. The morning loop walks, the talk during our the mid-morning coffee on the deck in the sun, the shared admiration for the way grub trails in a gum tree look like drawings, or loose bark strips can look like a strip tease. And in the end there is the coming home. There is the desire to feel whole in a place where I understand the inner workings. Intersections of map lines and constellations connect to this place that I call home, a place full of love. During this time of sheltering at home and letting go of plans and travels I have been grateful for my home. I may miss flying higher and higher and seeing new places, but I am reminded of my goal from when my daughter was a baby and small walks were huge triumphs. These little tiny adventures are where I learn to see with new eyes.

  • a new platform

    Comments are once again working! We have switched Rough Ideas from Movable Type to WordPress. We could no longer update Movable Type, comment capability was broken, and it didn’t work with our updated security setup (https). The new setup is also mobile friendly so it is now readable on phones and tablets.

    Winged Metamorphic
    h 18.25″ w 16.5″ d 10.5

    Kite h 18.5″ w 11″ d 8″

  • spring equinox 2020

    Welcome to Spring 2020
    [original post on 3/21/2020]

    We had a planned spring full of exhibits, conferences, and firings most of which has been canceled or delayed. Warren and I are hunkered down in our usual routines of walking and working, weeding and planting. Years ago I planted a bleeding heart in the center of a garden bed off the back porch, but the plant seems to prefer the margins–growing with great energy and persistence. As we make pots, write, draw, cook and garden we persist in our pursuit of making art and a life even if it feels as if it is in the margins.

    My web site has been updated to be more mobile phone friendly so take a look if you have a moment to check out new galleries, new posted articles and archives:

    Hope you enjoy the  poem and the bleeding hearts below…

    In the metropolis we argue
    about who feels loneliness more acutely
    In the desert we are together
    & lighting as many fires as we want
    You don’t need anyone’s permission
    to build it up / to get it going
    All art is a war of volume
    Be careful
    not to lose your voice

    Kelly Schirmann (2016)