rough ideas

#4 summer shards

I am someone who always loves a lot of light. The length of June days is a welcome season. In the studio, however, now that we have so many large trees, there is a moment of grief for me when the leaves have filled out and the shade gets green deep inside the studio. This week I have been waking up just before dawn for a few minutes. I have come to love the depth of that moment of dark entered by the first early morning bird who begins to sing. It’s also the moment that wakes up Warren who rises up to close the window to muffle the imminent chorus.

Bowl with cabbage

We talk so much of  light, please
let me speak on behalf

of  the good dark. Let us
talk more of how dark

the beginning of a day is.

–Maggie Smith, excerpt from How Dark the Beginning in Poetry, February, 2020

One reply on “#4 summer shards”

Early morning is a wonderful time of day!! We have Barred Owls announcing “Who cooks for you?” at dawn, then the voices ouf house wrens, cardinals and robins add to the orchestral tweets. Soon the entire instrumental concert awakens the life surrounding the outdoors and beckons us to meet the sunrise! Summer is suddenly upon us! Thanks to the universal magic of life!!

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