There were 9 hours and 15 minutes of daylight today. Many of those hours were spent wandering the streets of Brooklyn with our family full of laughs, snacks, scootering and more. When at last we turned towards home it felt as if the streets, the earth, and our bodies shivered. We have passed the shortest day of the year and can now turn towards the light.
The white dove of winter
sheds its first
fine feathers;
they melt
as they touch
the warm ground
like notes
of a once familiar
music; the earth
shivers and
turns towards
the solstice.
–Linda Pastan, excerpt from The Months
2 replies on “#21 decembrance”
Thanks and happy solstice.
Dearest Cathrine – you did it again!
What a delight to read your soothing observations, your childhood memories and so much more for the past 21 days.Let us all hope that 2024 will be a calm and pleasant experience for us all.
Best always
Maggie Bushara