rough ideas

#21 summer summit

Culturally today is the summer solstice and the summit of my series. We finished our firing this afternoon around 4:30. The firing is the summit of another series in my life. Today is the longest day of the year and as much as I love the summer, now I become a little sad to know the daylight hours get shorter from here. We have had hotter firings in terms of air temperature–it was hot firing in the kiln. We have had harder firings in how we had to fight for every degree of heat rise. We are thankful for the friends who are willing to forego some sleep and to wear long sleeve shirts and pants on these hot days. I learned of two deaths today and I am touched by the way both of these people brought meaning to my life. Their voices remind me that lighting a fire or swallowing ice are actions that weave threads of connection and meaning into our lives.

Basho wrote that the life of poetry means lighting a fire in summer, swallowing ice cubes in winter.

5 replies on “#21 summer summit”

I often think ‘Lighting a fire in summer feels cooler, swallowing icecubes in winter warmer.’ Enjoying your thoughts and quatations everyday. Thank you! Learning every way!

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