It was as if I was on a search for color. On the evening walk I picked up some tiny pears that had dropped from a Bradford pear tree. They were greenish yellow and drank in the bright orange of the sunset far to the west and the clear sky being blown our way. I studied the mossy green of the wet stones on the path as well as the blond of the tall grasses and the deep dark green of the cedars. I notice that when I have been photographing the last few days I am drawn to the red pear or the brilliant pomegranate as if I need the spark to set my imagination going.
This morning during a break in the rain I walked the hillside below the studio studying vines. I am drawn to the orange and red of the berries on bittersweet, but it is such an invasive plant I will not drag it anywhere for fear of spreading it even more. Instead, I cut a few vines that were strangling saplings. I chose one to put in my image for the day, perhaps befriending an enemy within my landscape.

The color of springtime is flowers; the color of winter is in our imagination.
–Terri Guillemets, a “quote collector,” The Quote Garden.