#3 decembrance 2021

I grew up as an atheist. But after losing someone in our close circle I can’t help but feel like I see them everywhere. I dream about them. I hope to speak to them again. I remember the turn of a wrist, the habit of speech. One of our early visits with Mikio was at the height of autumn at our house in Maryland. Mikio brought one of the chefs from Omen who had not yet been out of New York City. Our driveway was stupendously covered in yellow maple leaves. The chef took a walk at dusk and returned after dark covered in yellow leaves like he had been rolling in nature.

The Lesson Of The Falling Leaves

the leaves believe
such letting go is love
such love is faith
such faith is grace
such grace is god
i agree with the leaves

–Lucile Clifton


3 responses to “#3 decembrance 2021”

  1. Ken Davis Avatar
    Ken Davis

    Catherine, I very sorry for your loss! Your reflection prompted me to learn more about Mikio Shinagawa. I thought I would share this link to Patti Smith’s April 4, 2020 review in the New York Times:

    Your art surrounds his spirit!

    1. Catherine White Avatar

      Ken, thanks for the reminder of that piece in the NY Times and the great photo.

  2. Ken Davis Avatar
    Ken Davis


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