equinox 2021

When I talk about my work I often use analogies inspired by seeds and gardens. Today as I dug through photographs of myself while pregnant to share with my daughter — who is due to have her baby a day before her own birthday — I thought more about roots. I came across so many images of Warren and I building our house, studio and kilns. We have collaborated to bring up our child, fire our kilns, exhibit our work and dig our roots. The land was pasture when we bought it. We have planted trees and flowers, vines, vegetables and ideas. It took me a long time to feel like Virginia was my home. Many cycles of the seasons have turned their heads. I can look back to see how we have grown our roots and admire the passing summer and welcome the fall.

Dahlia in cw bowl with wf wire sphere

As I dig for wild orchids
in the autumn fields,
it is the deeply-bedded root
that I desire,
not the flower.

-Izumi Shikibu


2 responses to “equinox 2021”

  1. Josine Avatar

    Hi Catherine, it’s a milestone of sorts for me to receive your posts and I look forward to the next and the next…
    I am delighted to read that you and Warren will soon become grandparents… the endless possibilities of a new life!

    1. Catherine White Avatar

      Thanks! and yes we look forward to the endless possibilities of a new life.

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