Month: April 2020

  • a new platform

    Comments are once again working! We have switched Rough Ideas from Movable Type to WordPress. We could no longer update Movable Type, comment capability was broken, and it didn’t work with our updated security setup (https). The new setup is also mobile friendly so it is now readable on phones and tablets.

    Winged Metamorphic
    h 18.25″ w 16.5″ d 10.5

    Kite h 18.5″ w 11″ d 8″

  • spring equinox 2020

    Welcome to Spring 2020
    [original post on 3/21/2020]

    We had a planned spring full of exhibits, conferences, and firings most of which has been canceled or delayed. Warren and I are hunkered down in our usual routines of walking and working, weeding and planting. Years ago I planted a bleeding heart in the center of a garden bed off the back porch, but the plant seems to prefer the margins–growing with great energy and persistence. As we make pots, write, draw, cook and garden we persist in our pursuit of making art and a life even if it feels as if it is in the margins.

    My web site has been updated to be more mobile phone friendly so take a look if you have a moment to check out new galleries, new posted articles and archives:

    Hope you enjoy the  poem and the bleeding hearts below…

    In the metropolis we argue
    about who feels loneliness more acutely
    In the desert we are together
    & lighting as many fires as we want
    You don’t need anyone’s permission
    to build it up / to get it going
    All art is a war of volume
    Be careful
    not to lose your voice

    Kelly Schirmann (2016)