#17 summer summit 2018

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One of the things I really enjoy about social media and holidays like Father's Day are all the family pictures that friends post. I love to see how we look like our parents or how someone's children take after a grandparent or how photos convey information about changing times. I love the pictures of my parents in kayaks and the memories of  family adventures on the water. Today in honor of Father's Day Warren and I replaced the paddles for the kayak that we take out on the pond. We took a few moments to float and stroked around the perimeter of the pond. The days are still climbing towards summer. We noted the trees that have died, the others that have sprouted, yet each tree speaks the same language of water and roots.

17 summer 2018.jpg
and still when spring climbed toward summer
you opened once more the curled sleeping fingers
of newborn leaves as though nothing had happened
you and the seasons spoke the same language
and all these years I have looked through your limbs
to the river below and the roofs and the night
and you were the way I saw the world

--from W.S, Merwin, Elegy for a Walnut Tree

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This page contains a single entry by Catherine White published on June 17, 2018 8:22 PM.

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